Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Association for Redevelopment Initiatives
Nonprofit dedicated to stimulating redevelopment of brownfields by providing information, educational programs, and a forum for members to exchange ideas.
Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development
Encompasses: Department of Housing and Community Development, Mass. Office of Business Development, Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, Massachusetts Permit Regulatory Office, Office of Performance Management and Oversight, Mass. Office of International Trade and Investment, Mass. Office of Travel and Tourism
Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations
Supports and advances the efforts of community development corporations to promote economic justice and empower poor and working class people.
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Promoting excellence, access, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in order to improve the quality of life and economic development of communities in the state.
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency
MassDevelopment provides the financial tools and real estate expertise needed to stimulate economic growth across Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Economic Development Council
Professional association of economic development practitioners whose primary objective is the promotion and development of the economic welfare of the commonwealth through industrial and economic development.
Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation
Education, public relations and advocacy on behalf of agriculture, aquaculture and forestry industries in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Provides information and publication on historic preservation programs.
Massachusetts Office of Business Development
Assists in the creation and preservation of jobs in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
Fostering sustainable economic growth by promoting a better understanding of the forces that shape the state’s economy and enabling greater collaboration.
National Development Council
Assists municipalities in obtaining funding for community development projects.
National Rural Economic Developers Association
Professional organization dedicated to the advancement of rural development, the development of member proficiency, and the achievement of social and human service objectives in rural areas.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Private, nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting historic buildings and the neighborhoods and landscapes they anchor.
New England Council
Promotes the economic development of the six New England states.
Office of Travel & Tourism
State agency providing information on travel and recreational opportunities in the state and links to local resources.
Preservation Massachusetts
Nonprofit organization that promotes the preservation of historic buildings and landscapes as a positive force for economic development and the retention of community character.
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Federal agency of the Department of Commerce that produces economic statistics that provide a comprehensive, up-to-date picture of economic activity.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Federal fact-finding agency in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
Conference Board
Global business membership and research organization that publishes the Consumer Confidence Survey and Leading Economic Indicators. Articles from its Across the Board magazine are online.
Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
Massachusetts state agency
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Conducts research on regional, national, and international economic issues; performs public policy analyses of bank transactions; and collects and analyzes data on the New England economy and banking system.
National Bureau of Economic Research
Private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works.
U.S. Census Bureau
The Census collects and provides data about the people and economy of the United States.
American Association of School Administrators
Professional organization for educational leaders across North America and other countries.
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
State department provides a range of useful news on its Web site, including School & District Profiles for each Massachusetts community and a School Finance page.
Federation for Children with Special Needs
Center for parents and parent organizations working on behalf of children with special needs and their families. Its NewsLine newsletter is online.
Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools
Promotes the best possible opportunities for students attending regional schools.
Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials
Dedicated to maintaining ethics and efficiency in business practices for schools.
Massachusetts Association of School Committees
Offers news and publications.
Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents
Statewide organization dedicated to the professional and advocacy concerns of school superintendents and assistant superintendents.
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
Supports, develops, coordinates, improves and promotes library services throughout the commonwealth.
Massachusetts Library Association
Offers membership, continuing education, advocacy and publications to library professionals.
Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators’ Association
Supports educational opportunities for middle and high school students by initiating leadership training and providing services designed to improve administration and instruction.
National School Boards Association
Nationwide advocacy organization representing local school board members.
U.S. Department of Education
Federal department’s mission is to”ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation.” Department administers the National Center for Education Statistics and the Education Finance Statistics Center.
Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup
Responsible for ensuring timely and effective responses to environmental emergencies as well as timely assessment and cleanup of the more than 6,000 confirmed and suspected hazardous waste sites across Massachusetts.
Department of Conservation and Recreation
State agency incorporating the functions of the former Metropolitan District Commission and the former Department of Environmental Management.
Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
State agency responsible for protecting human health and the environment by ensuring clean air and water, safe management and disposal of wastes, timely cleanup of hazardous waste sites and spills, and preservation of coastal and wetland resources.
Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
State agency responsible for protection and enhancement of wildlife species and habitats. Responsible for environmental review of developments and regulation of hunting, fishing and trapping.
Division of Marine Fisheries
State agency responsible for the protection and enhancement of marine fishery resources and the promotion and regulation of commercial and sport fishing. Web site includes a newsletter, press releases and a directory of watershed associations.
Environmental League of Massachusetts
Committed to combating climate change and protecting our land, water and public health.
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Manages state offices and agencies dedicated to the environment.
Local Government Environmental Assistance Network
Forum and clearinghouse for environmental information for local government.
Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions
Educates and supports conservation commissions and works for strong, workable, science-based laws and regulations regarding wetlands, other water resources, open space, and biological resources.
Massachusetts Watershed Coalition
A network of organizations committed to the protection, management and enhancement of the state’s rivers and watershed ecosystems.
New England Water Environment Association
Organization of water and wastewater professionals who volunteer their time, energy, and expertise in order to preserve, protect, and manage our water environment.
Office of Technical Assistance
The Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance is a non-regulatory branch of the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs helping municipalities and others reduce or eliminate their use of toxics and generation of hazardous byproducts.
Smart Communities Network
A project of the U.S. Department of Energy offering a menu of information and services on how communities can adopt sustainable development as a strategy for well-being.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Federal agency’s mission is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment. Internet Newsbrief provides a regular update on useful web sites. The Region 1 (New England) office offers press releases.
Association of Government Accountants
Educational organization serving the professional interests of financial managers from local, state and federal governments as well as public accounting firms.
Association of Town Finance Committees
Assisting and educating members of finance and capital budget committees of Massachusetts municipalities.
Bureau of Accounts
The Bureau of Accounts oversees the financial management of Massachusetts’ 351 cities and towns.
The Commonwealth’s state-of-the-art electronic Market Center supporting online commerce between government purchasers and business.
Department of Revenue
The Department of Revenue administers the state’s tax system, collecting income, sales and use, corporate, estate, and other taxes.
Division of Local Mandates
DLM determines the financial impact on cities and towns of proposed or existing state laws and regulations. It reviews thousands of bills, prepares preliminary cost studies, and contacts Legislature members to aware them of the auditor’s concerns.
Division of Local Services
State agency that assists cities and towns in their efforts to achieve equitable property taxation and efficient fiscal management. The agency monitors compliance with state laws regarding municipal finance and ensures all regulations are followed.
Federal Register
Official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as grant information and executive orders and other presidential documents.
Government Accounting Standards Board
Dedicated to establishing and improving standards of state and local governmental accounting and financial reporting that will result in useful information for users of financial reports.
Government Finance Officers Association
Professional association of state/provincial and local finance officers in the United States and Canada. The Massachusetts chapter (MGFOA) has its own Web site, which includes online version of Dollars and Sense newsletter.
International Association of Assessing Officers
Educational and research association of individuals in the assessment profession and others with an interest in property taxation.
Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers
Educating and advocating for assessing officers of Massachusetts and their assistants.
Massachusetts Association of Public Purchasing Officials
Purchasing and procurement professionals working in cities, towns, school districts, state agencies, authorities and other quasi-public entities.
Massachusetts Collectors and Treasurers Association
A medium for discussion and dissemination of information concerning the work of collectors and treasurers, which is continually changing due to improved techniques and changing legislation. Membership includes all collectors and treasurers of Mass.
Massachusetts Municipal Auditors’ & Accountants’ Association
Membership association for municipal finance officials.
Msssachusetts Government Finance Officers Association
Promotes the advancement of the public finance proffession.
Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts
Dedicated to ensuring sound financial management of Massachusetts’ public resources.
American Public Health Association
Oldest and largest organization of public health professionals in the world. Site includes descriptions of Innovations in Practice.
Bureau of Family and Community Health
Promotes and improves the health and well being of Massachusetts residents; monitors health status and identifies and addresses the unmet needs of individuals, families, and groups.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Federal agency dedicated to promoting health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury and disability.
Nonprofit that provides understandable information about recalls and safety-related news about drugs, medical devices, food, and consumer products.
Department of Mental Health
State agency dedicated to improving the quality of life for those with serious and persistent mental illness or severe emotional disturbance.
Department of Public Health
State department promotes health care access and works to protect and improve the health of state residents. Site includes online publications and searchable online data.
Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Offers assistance to many of the state’s most needy and vulnerable citizens.
Health Resources and Services Administration
Federal agency directs national health programs that improve health by assuring quality health care to underserved, vulnerable and special-needs populations and by promoting appropriate health care work force capacity and practice.
Massachusetts Association of Health Boards
Nonprofit organization providing local boards of health with education, technical assistance, representation, and resource development. Site includes federal and state news on health issues and the association newsletter.
Massachusetts Health Officers Association
Representing local health officers in public or private agencies in Massachusetts. This site includes a roster of members, job postings, membership information, a calendar of events, group e-mail and news bulletins.
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Statewide member organization that seeks through advocacy, education and organized action to improve the public’s health, promote the establishment of health care as a human right, and secure optimal community, personal, and environmental health.
Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program
Statewide government program dedicated to addressing the severe health risks associated with tobacco use.
National Institutes of Health
Supports research to help prevent, detect, diagnose and treat disease and disability.
Dedicated to connecting patients, students and professionals to the latest and most useful health care information and resources available, including health policy updates and recommendations.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Federal agency that works to protect the health of all Americans and provide human services.
Citizen Housing & Planning Association
Nonprofit umbrella organization for affordable housing and community development activities throughout Massachusetts.
Department of Housing and Community Development
Makes state and federal funds available to help communities plan new developments, encourage economic development, revitalize older areas, improve local government management, build and manage public housing, and respond to low-income peoples’ needs.
Massachusetts Building Commissioners and Inspectors Association
The MBCIA is dedicated to assisting building officials, design professionals, builders, government officials and others involved in the construction process by fostering public safety, health and welfare through professionalism and education.
Massachusetts Housing Partnership
Self-supporting state agency that promotes more stable and diverse neighborhoods through the development and preservation of affordable housing.
Quasi-public agency offering financial resources to promote affordable housing.
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, Massachusetts Chapter
Professional membership organization of officials who administer a variety of affordable housing and community development programs at the local level.
National Coalition for the Homeless
National advocacy network of homeless persons, activists, service providers, and others committed to ending homelessness through public education, policy advocacy, grassroots organizing, and technical assistance.
Public Housing Authority Directors Association
Professional trade association representing local housing authorities nationwide.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD promotes access to a decent, safe, and sanitary home and suitable living environment. It also maintains current information on housing needs, market conditions, and existing programs and researches priority housing and community development.
Department of Children & Families
State agency providing safety, permanency and well-being to children who have been abused and neglected in family settings.
Department of Transitional Assistance
State agency responsible for administering public assistance programs for needy citizens. Site includes program regulations and descriptions, caseload demographics and press releases.
Department of Veterans Services
The DVS is the leading advocate for the more than half-million veterans of the state and their families and survivors.
Department of Youth Services
The juvenile justice agency of Massachusetts.
Executive Office of Elder Affairs
State agency that funds services to enable disabled elderly individuals to remain at home; administers Title III social and nutrition services under the Older Americans Act; and conducts advocacy, planning and policy activities.
Executive Office of Health and Human Services
The Executive Office of Health and Human Services offers assistance to many of the state’s most needy and vulnerable citizens.
MMA Human Services Council
The human services arm of the Massachusetts Municipal Association.
Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging
Membership organization comprised of professionals working with and on behalf of older people.
Massachusetts Association of Human Rights and Relations Commissions
Organization of municipal and local agencies responsible for promoting human and civil rights and harmonious relationships among diverse groups at a local level.
National Association of Social Workers, Massachusetts Chapter
Organization of professional social workers.
National Council on Aging
Association of organizations and individuals working on aging issues.
National Council on Disability
Establishes general policies for reviewing the operation of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Services, evaluates the effectiveness of all federal goverment policies, programs, and activities concerning disabled individuals.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Federal agency that works to protect the health of all Americans and provide human services. The agency oversees the Administration on Aging and the Administration for Children & Families.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Providing federal benefits to veterans and their dependents.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Federal fact-finding agency in the field of labor economics and statistics.
Civil Service Commission
State agency hears and decides appeals of public employees under the protection of civil service laws.
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Enhances the quality, diversity, and stability of the commonwealth’s workforce.
Division of Insurance
Monitors the solvency of its licensees in order to promote a healthy, responsive and willing marketplace for consumers who purchase insurance products.
Division of Occupational Safety
Administers several workplace safety and health programs and provides effective administration and enforcement of the employment agency laws in Massachusetts.
Human Resources Division
State human resources department.
International Public Management Association for Human Resources
Nonprofit membership organization for public sector human resources professionals.
Labor Relations Commission
Ensures the prompt, peaceful, and fair resolution of labor disputes by enforcing the Commonwealth’s labor laws.
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination
Ensure equality of opportunity by enforcing anti-discrimination laws in employment, housing, public accommodations, credit, mortgage lending and education.
Massachusetts Municipal Personnel Association
Committed to maintaining a standard of excellence in the field of municipal personnel administration.
Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration
Dedicated to promoting and facilitating Alternative Dispute Resolution within public entities. Assists state agencies and municipalities to develop integrated conflict management systems that improve their ability to deal with conflict.
Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board
Provides information about the PRIM board and its activities.
Municipal Career Opportunities
MMA online job listings service.
New England Employee Benefits Council
Regional association of employee benefit professionals.
Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission
State commission responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Massachusetts public pension systems.
State Retirement Board
Interactive Web site designed to help estimate retirement benefits, outline the available payment options, and access the necessary forms for completing the retirement process.
Teachers’ Retirement Board
Ensures that members of the Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement System achieve and maintain a successful and secure retirement through responsible benefits administration and financial integrity.
U.S. Department of Labor
Federal agency responsible for the administration and enforcement of federal statutes.
International Municipal Lawyers Association
Nonprofit, professional organization that acts as an advocate and resource for local government attorneys.
Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office
Chief lawyer and law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Bar Association
Statewide voluntary professional association for lawyers in all areas of law. Home page offers daily news.
Massachusetts General Laws
Site includes amendments to the General Laws.
Massachusetts Judicial Branch
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the courts, judicial profiles, press releases, recent court opinions, and a variety of other useful information.
Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association
Bar association dedicated to municipal law in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries
Examples of bylaws and ordinances from numerous Massachusetts cities and towns.
Municipal Law Unit
A unit of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office.
Office of Campaign and Political Finance
Independent state agency that administers the Massachusetts campaign finance law.
Open Meeting Law
Attorney general’s guidelines for the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, which requires town boards, committees and commissions to hold their meetings in public and to post a notice of each public meeting.
Public Records Division
Maintains certain public records and manages requests for records in accordance with the Public Records Law and handles notary public designation.
State Ethics Commission
Primary civil enforcement agency for the conflict-of-interest and financial disclosure laws, which regulate the conduct of all state, county and municipal employees and volunteers. The agency provides free legal advice, education and other info.
U.S. Department of Justice
Enforces the law and defends the interests of the United States according to the law; ensures public safety against threats foreign and domestic and provides federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime.
American Society for Public Administration
Professional association in the field of public administration.
Boston Municipal Research Bureau
A nonprofit, member-supported research organization studying Boston’s fiscal, management and administrative problems.
International City/County Management Association
Professional and educational organization representing appointed managers and administrators in local governments throughout the world.
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Professional association for municipal clerks. Encourages and provides professionalism in local government through education.
Massachusetts Moderators Association
Provides opportunities to share best practices concerning the conduct of Town Meeting and publishes the parliamentary manual Town Meeting Time.
Massachusetts Town Clerks Association
Dedicated to increasing the proficiency of town clerks and other local government officials, strengthening the quality of local government through professionalism, and promoting recognition of the importance of the office of town clerk.
New England Association of City and Town Clerks
Organization for municipal clerks to exchange opinions, concepts, skills and experiences.
Worcester Regional Research Bureau
A nonprofit organization dedicated to conducting independent, non-partisan research on financial, administrative, management and community issues facing Worcester’s municipal government and the surrounding region.
American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter
Brings together and supports individuals and groups in Massachusetts involved in the local, state and regional and national planning process; and promotes and achieves planning that is better performed, better understood, and better respected.
Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization
Regional organization that carries out federally funded transportation plans and programs.
Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
Worcester-based regional planning agency.
Citizen Planner Training Collaborative
Helping local officials on planning boards and zoning boards of appeals make decisions regarding development, transportation, natural resources and the environment. Web site provides training materials, events calendar, and example bylaws.
Franklin Regional Council of Governments
Greenfield-based regional municipal membership organization serving the county’s 26 towns.
Hampshire Council of Governments
Northampton-based consortium of communities.
Merrimack Valley Planning Commission
Haverhill-based regional planning agency.
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Regional planning agency serving the 101 cities and towns of Metropolitan Boston.
Northern Middlesex Council of Governments
Lowell-based regional planning agency.
Old Colony Planning Council
Brockton-based regional planning agency.
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
Springfield-based regional planning agency.
Smart Growth Network
Helping to create national, regional, and local coalitions to encourage metropolitan development that is environmentally, fiscally, economically and socially “smart.”
Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District
Taunton-based regional planning agency.
Common Cause Massachusetts
Member group working to “revitalize democracy in Massachusetts”
League of Women Voters of Massachusetts
Provides education and advocacy to encourage citizen participation in government.
Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
Provides independent research and analysis of state budget, tax policies and economic issues, with particular attention to the effects on low- and moderate-income people.
Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth
Nonpartisan research, education, and journalism to aid in the development of public policies. Primary area of interest is the economic and social issues that affect working- and middle-class families in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group
MASSPIRG fights against special interests in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
Independent, nonpartisan organization focusing on state spending and tax policies and the Massachusetts economy.
National Civic League
Works with communities to foster cross-sector collaboration and grassroots problem solving through technical assistance, publishing, research and an awards program.
National League of Cities
Works to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership and governance. NLC members include state municipal leagues, such as the MMA.
Pioneer Institute
Boston-based public policy research institute.
U.S. Conference of Mayors
Official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more.
Urban Institute
Investigating social and economic problems and analyzing efforts to solve them.
Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies
Independent accrediting authority established by law enforcement membership associations.
Department of Fire Services
State agency whose mission is to promote and enhance firefighter safety through policy and training, to assist and support the fire service community, and to direct policy and legislation on all fire-related matters.
Department of Public Safety
Oversees safety of building standards, elevators, and engineering in the state.
Drug Enforcement Administration
Federal agency responsible for the development of overall drug enforcement strategy, programs, planning, and evaluation.
Executive Office of Public Safety
The Executive Office of Public Safety is the planning and management arm of the Commonwealth’s public safety efforts that supports, supervises, and provides planning and guidance to a variety of public safety agencies, boards and commissions.
Fire Chiefs’ Association of Massachusetts
Dedicated to furthering the professional advancement of the fire service. Serves as the recognized fire chiefs’ organization for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience in the area affecting fire prevention, fire extinguishment, and safety.
Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association
Membership organization for city and town fire chiefs, and state and federal law enforcement department heads.
Massachusetts Constables Association
Dedicated to keeping member constables informed about the changing rules and regulations of civil law processes.
Massachusetts Crime Prevention Council
National nonprofit organization whose mission is to help prevent crime.
Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council
Develops and delivers training, sets and enforces training standards, and provides recordkeeping services regarding training to municipal police departments statewide.
Massachusetts Department of Fire Services
Provides fire training to municipal fire service personnel at no cost to the cities and towns.
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
State agency that coordinates federal, state, local and private resources throughout Massachusetts during times of disasters and emergencies.
Massachusetts State Police
Provides safety information, crime statistics, missing persons news, wanted persons information and news.
National Fire Protection Association
International nonprofit that advocates for scientifically based consensus codes and standards, conducts research, and provides education for fire and related safety issues. Headquarters is in Quincy, Mass.
Registry of Motor Vehicles
Handles the registering of motor vehicles in the state.
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal department oversees many national criminal justice programs.
U.S. Fire Administration
Federal agency that aims to prevent and mitigate the consequences of fire through data collection, public education and awareness, training, and technology.
American Public Works Association
Providing forum for members to exchange ideas and technology, and advancing public works issues on the public agenda.
American Water Works Association
International nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply.
Baystate Roads Program
Cooperative effort of the Federal Highway Administration, Massachusetts Highway Department, and the University of Massachusetts, providing technical assistance and training to cities and towns on transportation and related topics.
Board of Building Regulations and Standards
Promulgates rules and regulations that set minimum standards for the construction, alteration, repair, demolition and use of all buildings and structures.
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Provides oversight for the state’s divisions of State Parks, Urban Parks and Water Supply Protection.
Division of Solid Waste Management
Provides information about the Waste Program Planning Unit.
Division of Water Supply Protection
Manages and protects the drinking water supply watersheds for nearly 2.2 million residents of Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Integrated, multimodal agency composed of Highway, Rail and Transit, and Aeronautics divisions, and the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
Massachusetts Highway Association
Member association comprising highway officials, including directors, engineers, and superintendents, involved in all phases of highway-related activities.
Massachusetts Highway Division
State department responsible for the design, construction and operation of state highways and bridges, and advertising statewide construction projects. Schedule of public hearings is online.
Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company
Public corporation supplying bulk electric power to member municipalities and to other electric utilities, and develops programs and services for municipal utilities.
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Provides reliable, cost-effective, high-quality water and sewer services that protect public health, promote environmental stewardship, maintain customer confidence, and support a prosperous economy.
Massachusetts Water Works Association
Membership organization dedicated to the advancement of the drinking water profession.
Northeast Recycling Council
Mission is to ensure the long-term viability of recycling in the Northeast while maximizing its full environmental and economic benefits.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Focal point for coordinated national transportation policy. Department administers Federal Transit Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and Federal Highway Administration.
Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Office clearinghouse for information related to state and local elections in the commonwealth.
Executive Office for Administration and Finance
Ensures the fiscal stability, efficiency and effectiveness of state government.
General Court of the Commonwealth (State Legislature)
Directory of House and Senate members, committee listings, hearing schedules, Senate Journals, Mass. General Laws, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts General Laws
Site includes amendments to the General Laws.
Massachusetts Governor’s Office
Provides press releases and news and information about the governor and his administration.
Massachusetts State Government Portal
The state’s official Web site, providing a comprehensive listing of state government online resources. Link to listing of state agencies and their Web sites
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Elections Division administers state elections, provides info on voting, and supplies election materials. Public Records Division maintains government records, enforces lobbyist and disclosure laws and records gubernatorial appoinments and commisions.
State Library
Serves the research needs of the executive and legislative branches of government and other users and acts as the official depository for state documents.
Department of Telecommunications and Cable
Governs cable franchising, franchise renewal, and transfers of cable licenses within the commonwealth; sets basic cable rates; and enforces consumer protection standards.
Federal Communications Commission
Federal agency develops and implements policy concerning interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. Site includes FCC Focus on State & Local Government Issues and Wireless Communications Bureau.
Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities
Ensures that utility consumers are provided with the most reliable service at the lowest possible cost.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Federal agency dealing with domestic and international telecommunications and information technology issues.
Public Technology Institute
Technology arm of the National League of Cities, the National Association of Counties, and the International City/County Management Association.