Building a Culture of Cybersecurity:
Minimum Baseline
for Municipalities Webinar

Building a Culture of Cybersecurity: Minimum Baseline for Municipalities
Feb. 14, 12-1 p.m.
Presented by the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association
Ransomware is the much-discussed, high-profile cyber threat facing municipalities, but it is not the only cyber threat facing local governments. What do municipalities need to know about the threat, and how can they build a healthy culture of cybersecurity that protects systems and data by using people, process and technology? This panel examined the threat and provided guidance and resources to address it.
Sam Curry is chief security officer at Cybereason.
Brian Gavioli is a lieutenant at the Massachusetts State Police and is responsible for the coordination of cyber threat intelligence, information sharing and cyber incident response at the Commonwealth Fusion Center.
Susan Noyes is an information technology manager at the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security’s Office of Municipal and School Technology.
Meg Speranza is the resiliency program manager at MassCyberCenter.
Stephanie Helm is director of the MassCyberCenter.
Building a Culture of Cybersecurity: Minimum Baseline for Municipalities presentation (2M PDF)
