Recruitment and Retention Strategies
for Public Works and Other
Municipal Departments Webinar

Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Public Works and Other Municipal Departments
Feb. 7, 12-1 p.m.
Presented by Massachusetts Highway Association
Public works leaders from across the state shared insights on recruitment, retention and succession planning for the next generation of municipal public works professionals. Many of their strategies are helpful to other municipal departments as well.
Chris Bouchard is the public works director in South Hadley and president of the Massachusetts Highway Association.
Robert “Brutus” Cantoreggi is the public works director in Franklin.
Denise Casey is the deputy town manager in North Andover.
Jeff Cathcart is the manager of the Massachusetts Pre-Apprenticeship and Vocational School Training Program, at the UMass Transportation Center.
Ariela Lovett is a legislative analyst at the MMA.
