His Excellency Deval Patrick
Governor of the Commonwealth
State House, Room 105, Boston

Dear Governor Patrick,

On behalf of Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Municipal Association and the cities and towns of the Commonwealth, I am writing to express our thanks and appreciation to you and Secretary Glen Shor for your proposal to fully fund the charter school reimbursement program in H. 4049, the fiscal 2014 supplemental appropriations bill you filed with the Legislature yesterday afternoon.

As you know, the diversion of Chapter 70 school aid away from public schools to pay tuition to charter schools has imposed a growing financial burden on cities and towns, a problem made more acute as the state grants more charters and existing charter schools expand. State policy is intended to mitigate a portion of this financial impact through Section 89 of Chapter 71 of the General Laws, which establishes a formula to reimburse school districts for the loss of some of their Chapter 70 aid that is redirected to fund charter schools, but the funding for this program depends on adequate appropriations in the state budget or in subsequent supplemental budgets.

We deeply appreciate your leadership last year to win an $8 million supplemental appropriation to fully fund the program in fiscal 2013, and your support for fully funding the program in the current fiscal year by submitting a $27.6 million request to the Legislature.

When charter school reimbursements fall short, communities are forced to cut other programs and services to make up the difference. Of the 20 cities and towns with the largest shortfalls, ranging from $250,000 to $10.3 million, 14 of them have been deemed by the state to have underperforming schools. These include some the state’s poorest and most financially distressed cities and towns. Your support for fully funding the charter school reimbursement program will aid the most vulnerable and challenged school districts and communities in Massachusetts.

Again, thank you for supporting this vital program, and for your strong and abiding partnership with cities and towns.


Geoffrey C. Beckwith
Executive Director, MMA

cc: The Hon. Glen Shor, Secretary for Administration and Finance
Ms. Pam Kocher, Director of Local Policy
