Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The Division of Local Services will hold its annual “What’s New in Municipal Law” seminar for local officials on Sept. 21 in Waltham and on Sept. 28 in Holyoke.
Both seminars will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will include lunch. The cost to attend is $100.
This year’s seminar will begin with a condensed general session highlighting new legislation and recent court decisions affecting local government. Attendees can then choose among different workshops later in the morning and during the afternoon.
The morning workshops will focus on recent tax title cases, charitable and religious exemption cases and special funds and related legislation.
The afternoon workshops will address:
• Paperless billing and abatement applications, the issuance of abatement checks, sufficient interest in real estate, manufacturer designation and, if applicable, new exemptions
• Health insurance, investment of municipal funds and collection of unpaid charges and fees
• Affordable housing, common city and town budget approval and appropriation issues, and special purpose appropriations
The Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers will grant four hours of continuing education credits to assessors attending this program.
For more information and to register, visit the DLS website for the Waltham and the Holyoke seminars. The DLS must receive payment before the event. The registration deadline, and the final day for cancellations and refunds, is Sept. 15.
Contact Jennifer McAllister at dlsregistration@dor.state.ma.us with any questions.