The Division of Community Services has announced the availability of fiscal 2011 Peer-to-Peer Technical Assistance grants.

The division provides small grants to CDBG non-entitlement communities for short-term problem solving or technical assistance projects.

Municipalities may apply for grants of up to $1,000 to pay for up to 30 hours ($900) of technical assistance and up to $100 for reimbursement of travel and photocopying costs and/or the cost of incidental materials.

The program focuses on technical assistance related to community development and capacity building related to community development at the local level.

All communities are encouraged to apply for funding. Because funds are limited, however, and a rolling application process is being used, applications will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Peer-to-Peer Program is funded with Massachusetts’s CDBG technical assistance funds.

To apply, send a request letter describing your community’s problem or issue. The Division of Community Services will help applicants locate a colleague from another community with the expertise you need to address your problem or issue.

Communities are advised to apply early, and projects must be completed by June 30, 2011.

The Department of Housing and Community Development has funding for up to 10 grants.

For more information contact David Haynes at (617) 573-1336 or or refer to the program’s webpage.
