The Governmental Accounting Standards Board recently approved two statements that GASB says will significantly improve the accounting and financial reporting by state and local governments for postemployment benefits other than pensions (OPEB), primarily retiree health insurance.

The GASB also approved a third statement establishing accounting and financial reporting requirements for pensions and pension plans that were outside the scope of the pension standards the GASB released in 2012.

GASB Statement No. 74, Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefit Plans Other Than Pension Plans, addresses reporting by OPEB plans that administer benefits on behalf of governments.

GASB Statement No. 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, addresses reporting by governments that provide OPEB to their employees and for governments that finance OPEB for employees of other governments.

GASB Statement No. 73, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions and Related Assets That Are Not within the Scope of GASB Statement 68, and Amendments to Certain Provisions of GASB Statements 67 and 68, completes the suite of pension standards.

The new OPEB standards parallel the pension standards issued in 2012 – GASB Statement No. 67, Financial Reporting for Pension Plans, and GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions. Together, the pension and OPEB standards provide comprehensive guidance for all postemployment benefits.

Statements 73, 74 and 75 are available for free download at, and printed copies are available for purchase.
