Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The governor today signed a transportation bond bill that will provide $200 million in Chapter 90 funds in fiscal 2012 to rebuild and repair local roads and bridges.
This allocation, approved by the Legislature, represents a 29 percent increase (or $45 million) in Chapter 90 funding compared to last year. It is the highest level of funding ever apportioned for local transportation aid.
Each city and town will receive an increase in Chapter 90 funding for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, compared to the previous year, with funds allocated using a longstanding formula based upon community road miles, population and employment.
The governor’s office sent letters to communities on March 31 certifying their Chapter 90 apportionment for fiscal 2012.
Chapter 90 funds may be used for road, bridge and multi-use path projects and related needs.
• Download a complete list of awards, by community (388K PDF)