Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The Local Bottleneck Reduction Program addresses traffic flow, congestion and safety issues at intersections.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is accepting applications for the fiscal 2024 Local Bottleneck Reduction Program.
The competitive grant program assists with innovative solutions to improve traffic flow and ease congestion at local roadway intersections.
Grant recipients receive scope-of-work and design services from MassDOT-led consultants and up to $500,000 for construction projects that address traffic delays and congestion generally due to poor signal timing, outdated equipment, faulty vehicle detection, or geometric deficiencies.
Construction projects are conducted by the municipality. Cities and towns are reimbursed for eligible costs up to the grant value upon completion.
All municipalities are eligible to apply for projects on municipal roadways through March 31. Cities and towns may apply in collaboration with a Regional Transit Authority and — new this year — multiple municipalities may submit a joint application. Applications are accepted online through the Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT).
Single applications may include proposals for one or multiple intersections within a corridor or impact area. Selection is based primarily on congestion and delay metrics.
In addition to improving traffic flow and congestion, Local Bottleneck Reduction Program projects seek to improve safety for all roadway users.
For more information, email LocalBottleneckGrants@dot.state.ma.us.