Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll (left) and State Auditor Diana DiZoglio (right) will attend the Massachusetts Select Board Association’s third Western and Rural Massachusetts Municipal Conference on Saturday, April 1.
Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll will be the keynote speaker at the Massachusetts Select Board Association’s third Western and Rural Massachusetts Municipal Conference on Saturday, April 1, in Holyoke.
State Auditor Diana DiZoglio will also attend, to lead a session about her office’s priorities for rural communities, with an opportunity for attendees to provide feedback.
The conference will open with a legislative panel focused on rural priorities led by Rep. Natalie Blais and Sen. Joanne Comerford.
Attendees will also participate in small group roundtable discussions about goals and priorities for the newly created director of rural affairs within the Executive Office of Economic Development.
The conference will bring together regional stakeholders, including municipal officials, planning agencies and legislators, from Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire counties to address the challenges facing the region, with a specific focus on rural issues.
Conference goals are to promote sustainable cross-governmental partnerships across western Massachusetts, to share strategies for addressing challenges facing rural communities in the region, and to improve rural advocacy efforts.
The conference will be held at the Delaney House, located at 3 Country Club Road in Holyoke. Registration and networking will begin at 8 a.m. The program will run from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Boxed lunches will be available with the option to participate in a networking lunch, beginning at 12:30, or take lunch to go.
The registration fee is $35. Registration is available at www.mma.org.
The MMA is advising in-person meeting attendees to keep up with the latest COVID vaccines for which they are eligible. Attendees are urged to take an at-home rapid antigen test prior to attending, and not attend if they have any COVID symptoms or if a household member has tested positive for COVID. These protocols are subject to change based on the latest public health data and guidance.