Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Bolton Town Administrator Marie Sobalvarro, left, and Maynard Select Board Chair Jeffrey Swanberg chat during the MMA Legislative Breakfast Meeting on Oct. 18 in Maynard.
On three Fridays in October, legislators and local officials from across Massachusetts gathered for six MMA Legislative Breakfast Meetings.
The MMA holds the meetings around the state each spring and fall to provide an opportunity for local officials to engage in informal discussions with legislators, fellow local officials, and MMA staff.
The fall meetings kicked off with an update from MMA Legislative Division staff covering state revenue, the fiscal 2025 state budget, and key bills from the legislative session, among other topics.
The update was followed by an open-ended opportunity for legislators and local officials to discuss the many challenges facing communities.
Rep. Natalie Blais speaks about legislative priorities during the MMA Legislative Breakfast Meeting on Oct. 11 in Leyden. Blais, along with Sen. Joanne Comerford, met with municipal officials from the western part of the state.
Discussions centered on an economic development bond bill, a fiscal 2024 closeout supplemental budget, the Affordable Housing Act, a clean energy siting and permitting bill, and the Municipal Empowerment Act.
The hosts of the meetings were Ludlow and Peabody on Oct. 4, Franklin and Leyden on Oct. 11, and Maynard and Yarmouth on Oct. 18.
More than 250 municipal officials, legislators, and legislative staff attended the meetings.
The MMA has hosted 240 breakfast meetings in more than 200 communities since 2007, with a goal of hosting a meeting in each of the state’s 351 cities and towns. Communities that have not hosted a Legislative Breakfast but would be interested in doing so are asked to contact Daniel Yi at dyi@mma.org or 617-426-7272, ext. 125.