The MMA holds a virtual briefing to discuss regulatory developments at the Cannabis Control Commission and how regulations being developed will impact municipalities. Speakers included (clockwise from top left) Rockland Town Administrator Douglas Lapp, Holyoke Planning and Economic Development Director Aaron Vega and Athol Town Manager Shaun Suhoski.

The MMA held a virtual briefing today to discuss regulatory developments at the Cannabis Control Commission and how regulations being developed for three areas — host community agreements, municipal equity, and social consumption — will impact municipalities.

Panelists discussed key takeaways and concerns they hope regulators will consider when promulgating rules. They also answered questions from municipal officials.

Speakers included:
• Nicole Costanzo, senior attorney, KP Law
• Steve Ellis, town administrator, Montague
• Emily Hutchings, senior planner, Somerville
• Douglas Lapp, town administrator, Rockland
• Shaun Suhoski, town manager, Athol
• Aaron Vega, planning and economic development director, Holyoke

A comprehensive cannabis law enacted in August 2022 calls for the CCC to create additional regulations related to host community agreements, including community impact fees at license application and renewal. It also calls for the CCC to create new regulations to establish minimum standards for host communities to promote and encourage full participation in the cannabis industry by those who have been disproportionately harmed by the War on Drugs.

The law also created a mechanism for municipalities to allow for on-site consumption of cannabis products, and requires the CCC to promulgate new regulations and guidance around social consumption establishments.

The briefing was conducted as a free Zoom webinar for MMA members.

During April, three CCC working groups were seeking public comments on the areas where new and revised regulations are being developed.

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