Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The MMA today published the September 2022 issue of The Beacon, which includes important updates about the state budget, late-breaking legislation, and upcoming member group meetings.
Here are some highlights:
• Gov. signs infrastructure bond bill, with some amendments and vetoes
• Save the date for in-person MMA Annual Meeting in 2023
• Governor signs expansive cannabis legislation
• Entire state affected by worsening drought
• Gov. Baker signs FY23 state budget
• DHCD releases final zoning rules for MBTA communities
• $4B economic development bill remains in conference committee
• Governor signs climate and clean energy bill
• Gov. files $840M supplemental budget, sets aside funds for tax refunds
• MMA provides update on significant legislation affecting municipalities
• Link to the September 2022 issue of The Beacon (34 pages)
Timely and reliable information is essential to municipal leaders, and the facts are changing quickly. With this in mind, the MMA publishes The Beacon digitally to ensure that we get the very latest information to members as quickly as possible.