Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Brian Allen, the deputy superintendent, chief operating officer, and chief financial officer for the Worcester Public Schools, will review key elements of Chapter 70 during a free webinar on March 20.
The MMA will host a free webinar on March 20 to review key elements of Chapter 70, the major state aid program for public schools.
Brian Allen, the deputy superintendent, chief operating officer, and chief financial officer for the Worcester Public Schools, will cover how the state’s foundation budget for education is determined for school districts, and how the “required local contribution” and state aid are determined.
Allen will also discuss how funding levels may change each year based on student enrollment, inflation, and the effects of the municipal revenue growth factor on the local contribution.
Allen has worked on both the municipal and school side in Worcester for the past 30 years and is the recipient of numerous state and national awards. For the past 11 consecutive years, his district has received the highest national recognition in school finance for budget transparency and preparation, the Meritorious Budget Award from the Association of School Business Officials International.
Appointed and elected municipal officials are invited to register online. The 75-minute webinar will begin at noon.
For more information, contact MMA Education and Training Coordinator Lily Rancatore at lrancatore@mma.org.