Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Adam Chapdelaine (left) and Karis North.
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will hold a free training for newly elected select board members on Saturday, July 23, in Devens.
The meeting will open with a roundtable discussion with members of the MSA Board of Directors: “You’ve been elected, now what?” Veteran select board members will share their experiences during this informal session and take questions.
Additional sessions will cover:
• Municipal Finance and Budgeting 101, with Westwood Finance Director Pamela Dukeman
• Introduction to the Open Meeting and Public Records Laws, with attorney Karis North from Murphy, Hesse, Toomey & Lehane
• Collaborative Decision Making, with former Arlington Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine
The training will be targeted to newly elected members, but any select board member is welcome to attend for a refresher and an opportunity to network with colleagues.
Registration and networking will begin at 8:30 a.m. The program will start at 9 a.m., and lunch will be served. The full agenda and registration is available at www.mma.org.
The training will be held at Devens Commons Center, 31 Andrews Parkway in Devens.
The MMA currently requires attendees of in-person events to show proof of being fully vaccinated for COVID (card, photo or QR code). (Religious or medical vaccine exemptions are allowed with a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours.) Masks are optional. These safety protocols are subject to change based on the latest public health data and guidance.
Newly elected select board members are encouraged to share their contact information with the MMA (by email to database@mma.org) in order to receive information about Select Board Association events.