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Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Safe Routes to School, a federally funded program that works to increase safe walking, biking and rolling by public school students, is accepting applications for its Signs and Lines and Infrastructure Project grant programs.
Administered by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Safe Routes to School uses a collaborative, community-focused approach that bridges the gap between health and transportation.
The Signs and Lines program provides design services and up to $10,000 in construction funding to selected municipalities for a low-cost infrastructure project around a public elementary, middle or high school. The project goal is to eliminate small barriers that students encounter when walking, bicycling or using a wheeled mobility device to get to school. Approved eligible expenses are reimbursed after completion. The application deadline is Sept. 22.
The Infrastructure Project program helps fund larger-scale bicycle and pedestrian improvements that seek to improve safety, access and mobility for students in kindergarten through 12th grade, while also encouraging more students to walk, bike and roll to school. Projects must be within two miles of a school in the public right-of-way or along publicly accessible bikeways and pedestrian pathways and trails.
Applications for Infrastructure Projects will be accepted through Oct. 6. Eligible schools must be partnered for at least six months at the time of application. Applications are available and must be submitted through the Massachusetts Project Intake Tool account.
Additional information and guidance documents are available on the Engineering page. Questions may be directed to 888-426-6688 or MassDOTSRTS@dot.state.ma.us.