Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The Senate Ways and Means Committee yesterday adopted a new draft of a wide-ranging cannabis bill that is expected to be debated in the Senate next week.
The new draft (S. 2801) removes the most problematic provisions that were in earlier versions, which were the subject of an MMA letter to the chairs of the House and Senate committees on Ways and Means on March 18.
While the new bill eliminates sections that would have retroactively interfered with existing host community agreements, the MMA continues to have concerns about provisions that would expand Cannabis Control Commission powers, which could undermine established local authority, as well as the potential reduction of community impact fees.
In part, the bill would:
• Grant the Cannabis Control Commission expanded authority to approve contracts between host communities and local marijuana establishments
• Prohibit community impact fees as a share of total sales, and limit the fee to an amount less than 3% of total sales
• Allow for local voter initiatives, ordinances or bylaws to allow for the sale of marijuana products for consumption on the premises
The MMA is encouraging communities with host community agreements to share the language of the Senate proposal with their legal counsel and discuss the measure with their senators prior to April 7, when debate is scheduled to begin.
The MMA continues to be supportive of the bill’s provision establishing a Social Equity Trust Fund, which would provide grants and loans to Economic Empowerment or Social Equity participants.