Three technical support opportunities are now available through the federal government’s Thriving Communities Network, a partnership among federal agencies intended to align and coordinate technical assistance offerings for communities.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has opened an online portal for local governments to request technical assistance through the Thriving Communities technical assistance program. Program funding will help municipalities receiving federal transportation funding to ensure that housing is considered in infrastructure investment plans, with a focus on disadvantaged communities. Requests for assistance will be received and reviewed on a rolling basis.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is offering $100 million in environmental justice funding through two new grant programs, with applications due April 14:
• $70 million is available through the Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) program, which supports government actions that lead to measurable environmental or public health benefits in communities disproportionately affected by environmental harms. (Click here for informational webinar recordings.)

• $30 million is available through the Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement program. Funding is provided to nonprofit community-based organizations working to address local environmental or public health issues. (Click here for informational webinar recordings.)
