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Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
WalkBoston unveiled a pedestrian safety awareness police training video on Sept. 29 at the statewide Moving Together conference.
According to WalkBoston, the goals for the video include:
• Drawing attention to the need for enforcement efforts on pedestrian safety, and introducing the Massachusetts Bicycle and Safety Awareness and Enforcement Program
• Reviewing the rules, regulations and fines associated with specific situations involving people walking, driving and biking on the state’s roads
• Informing police officers about the impact of infrastructure design on pedestrian safety, and how the behavior of drivers has a direct impact on the safety of pedestrians.
The video was developed in collaboration with the Boston Police Department, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, and other public agencies from across Massachusetts.
Both the Massachusetts Chiefs Association and the Municipal Police Training Committee have placed the video into the 2016-2017 Legal Updates In-Service for all police officers.
• Link to video on Youtube