The MMA this morning issued a statement expressing support for the city of Boston in the wake of yesterday’s marathon bombings and pledging “support and assistance in every possible way to the leaders and citizens of Boston.”

The statement, which also commends the efforts of first responders and expresses unity among municipal officials, is signed by the president and vice president of the MMA as well as the presidents of the following MMA groups: Massachusetts Mayors’ Association, Massachusetts Selectmen’s Association, Massachusetts Municipal Councillors’ Association, Massachusetts Municipal Management Association, and the Massachusetts Association of Town Finance Committees.

Statement of Local Government Leaders on the Attack at the Boston Marathon

Local officials from across Massachusetts today express their deep sympathy and condolences for the victims of the bombings at the Boston Marathon, and pledge their full cooperation and assistance in the investigation to bring those responsible to justice. An attack on one community is an attack on all cities and towns, and we stand united in solidarity to provide support and assistance in every possible way to the leaders and citizens of Boston, and to all communities and people across the Commonwealth.

Law enforcement officials in every city and town are key partners in the investigation and in protecting the public in the aftermath of the bombings, not only in the immediate area of the attack, but across the metropolitan region and entire state. Municipal leaders are providing their full support to ensure that every available resource is provided to this effort.

Amidst the images of the brutal attack, the heroic actions of our public safety professionals, health professionals and citizens demonstrate the strength and resiliency of community. Clearly, lives were saved by the immediate response and the skilled and compassionate care provided by police officers, firefighters, members of the military and National Guard, doctors, nurses, BAA volunteers, runners, workers, friends, family and visitors. As these brave people rushed to the scene and aided the innocent victims, they reflected the very best that can be found in Boston and in Massachusetts.

We offer our thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families, and our unending determination to cooperate in every way possible in the days, weeks and months ahead.


Needham Town Manager Kate Fitzpatrick
President of the Massachusetts Municipal Association

Attleboro Mayor Kevin Dumas
Vice President of the Massachusetts Municipal Association

Braintree Mayor Joseph Sullivan
President of the Massachusetts Mayors’ Association

Natick Selectman Joshua Ostroff
President of the Massachusetts Selectmen’s Association

Gloucester City Councillor Bruce Tobey
President of the Massachusetts Municipal Councillors’ Association

Wayland Town Administrator Frederic Turkington
President of the Massachusetts Municipal Management Association

Andover Finance Committee Member Joanne Marden
President of the Massachusetts Association of Town Finance Committees
