Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Rachel Glisper, human resources director in Needham, gathers feedback from her fellow self-identified “discussion style” group members during a session on conflict resolution and how culture shapes what kind of style people adopt.
At its holiday meeting the Massachusetts Municipal Human Resources association will host an interactive session for members on stress management and goal setting as we enter the holiday season and embark on the new year.
Jon Wortmann, principal at Novel Communications, will lead the group through a series of training exercises to help manage stress at work and at home while the calendar year winds down. This session will also feature a segment on big picture goal setting for department heads and ways to reset for 2020.
At the conclusion of lunch, there will be an optional holiday swap for MMHR members and meeting attendees. The swap gift limit is $15.
9 a.m.
Registration and Networking Breakfast
9:30 a.m.
Welcoming Remarks
Dolores Hamilton, Framingham HR Director, MMHR Chair
9:40 a.m.
Legislative Update
Lisa Adams, MMA Senior Legislative Analyst
10 a.m.
Reset and Recharge for the New Year: Stress Management for Municipal Professionals
Jon Wortmann, Leadership Consultant
The impact of stress in the workplace is getting worse. In a recent study of 2000 professionals, two-thirds said stress at work is worse than five years ago. A study of teachers found 93% stressed, burned out, and unable to cope. The risks of stress in our police forces are so strong that patrolmen and women in New York and Los Angeles who have a heart attack are compensated for work related injuries. Based on his best selling book Hijacked by Your Brain, Jon Wortmann’s workshop teaches the fundamental behaviors and habits participants can use to manage stress at work and at home, recover from controversy and bad days, and approach brain health with intention. This workshop is an end of year reflection on both how to handle stress better, but also to build new habits for the year to come. It is possible to physically change the brain’s response to stress. Participants will leave the session aware of where stress comes from and conscious of how to:
• Measure stress level
• Step back quickly from negative thoughts and emotion
• Switch to core memory files that create calm and a feeling of being in control
• Assess and choose habits for the new year that increase mental strength and personal wellness
12:30 p.m.
Yankee Swap
1 p.m.
Publick House, Sturbridge
MMA Senior Member Services Coordinator Denise Baker
Massachusetts Municipal Human Resources