Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Rachel Glisper, human resources director in Needham, gathers feedback from her fellow self-identified “discussion style” group members during a session on conflict resolution and how culture shapes what kind of style people adopt.
The Massachusetts Municipal Personnel Association will hold a membership vote to finalize its new name: Massachusetts Municipal Human Resources association (MMHR).
The keynote speaker for the meeting is Dr. Ruth Potee, an expert on the opioid epidemic, addiction and treatment. The meeting will also feature a panel discussion on tackling substance use and appropriate policies for the workplace, a legislative update from MMA Senior Legislative Analyst Lisa Adams, and a networking lunch.
The business meeting will be held in the morning, when members will discuss and vote on board appointments, committee updates and the association’s annual budget.
The registration fee is $40 for members and $55 for nonmembers.
8:30 a.m.
Registration and Networking Breakfast
9:15 a.m.
Annual Business Meeting and Association Welcome
The membership will approve the budget, the nominating slate for the board of directors, and the program plan for FY20.
Mary Beth Bernard, SPHR, Human Resources Director Wrentham, MMPA Chair
Richard Tranfaglia, Human Resources Director [Retired], Natick, MMPA Treasurer
Joanne Faust, Human Resources Director, Burlington, MMPA Interim Benchmark Chair
Jane Sakiewicz, Personnel Director, Easthampton, MMPA Fall Conference Committee Chair
Michael Taylor & Michelle Pizzi-O’Brien, Personnel and HR Director, Pittsfield and Newton, Co-Chairs MMPA Membership/Outreach Committee
Vanessa Hale, Asst. Town Admin., Southborough, MMPA Program Chair
9:40 a.m.
Legislative Update
Lisa Adams, MMA Senior Legislative Analyst
10 a.m.
Substance Use Keynote: Dr. Ruth Potee
11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
Substance Use Practitioner Panel
Jaime Kenny, Principal, Clifford and Kenny Law
Keith Crochiere, CEO, EAP Network
Moderator: Anne O’Brien, HR Director, Fairhaven
1 p.m.
AD Makepeace, 158 Tihonet Road, Wareham
MMA Member Services Coordinator Devon Elizabeth Williams
Massachusetts Municipal Personnel Association