With so many of us working remotely during the pandemic, the MMA is publishing its new issue of the Municipal Advocate online as a PDF.

The issue focuses on climate change, a key pre-pandemic challenge that will need our attention as soon as we’re able.

This issue features articles on:
• The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness program, which provides tools and grants to communities to address concerns on the front line
• The Massachusetts Climate Action Network, which is partnering with cities and towns to dramatically reduce emissions and purchase more local renewable energy
• The collaborative work of 15 Cape Cod towns to develop and deploy preventative, mitigating and adaptive climate strategies
• Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that can help us take bold and multi-faceted action to address climate change
• The Trustees of Reservations’ effort to assess the vulnerability of five key coastal areas

As an added convenience, all the links in the document are clickable, as are the story titles in the table of contents.

Link to the Climate Change issue of The Advocate – Vo. 30, No. 2 (31M PDF)

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